ADHD Assessment & Treatment

Expert evaluation for accurate diagnosis, and personalized support to help you succeed.

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can significantly impact daily functioning. Diagnosing ADHD involves a thorough assessment process that considers behavioral observations, medical history, and psychosocial factors. In children, symptoms often manifest as difficulty sustaining attention, frequent careless mistakes, forgetfulness, fidgeting, and impulsivity. Adults with ADHD may experience challenges in organizational skills, time management, and maintaining focus on tasks.

In my practice, I specialize in identifying ADHD-related impairments across the lifespan. Diagnostic evaluations comprehensively assess cognitive functioning, attentional capacities, and behavioral patterns to provide a clear understanding of individual strengths and challenges. Whether addressing ADHD in children, teens, or adults, my goal is to offer tailored insights that guide the development of effective and personalized treatment that can help you or your child overcome challenges and begin to thrive in work, education, at home, and in your community.

If you would like more information about diagnostic assessment and treatment options, schedule a free 15-minute consultation by clicking the button below.