Therapy for Anxiety

Personalized and proven methods to liberate your mind from stress and fear.

The Truth about Anxiety…

First things first — If you're struggling with anxiety, I want you to know that you are not alone.

As a Licensed Psychologist and fellow member of the “Anxiety Club,” I’m here to tell you that each of us experiences anxiety. It’s part of the human condition, and an emotion that serves us well — when we see trouble on the horizon, anxiety helps us to be ready for it.

The trouble is that it’s all too easy to get caught in an “anxiety trap” — we get stuck in our worries and stress, just spinning our wheels with worry, over-thinking, maybe even worrying about our anxiety…creating even more anxiety! That “trap” of anxiety and stress can be consuming, overwhelming, and exhausting!

Sometimes I think of anxiety as an “overly helpful friend.” Your anxious mind really does mean well ... but sometimes it can really give you a hard time! The good news is that therapy for anxiety is highly effective in helping to get unstuck from anxiety and make peace with that “overly helpful friend.”

“How do I know if therapy for anxiety is right for me?”

Therapy is very effective in helping to overcome struggles with any of the following:

Feeling nervous or on edge

Excessive worry

Difficulties stopping your worry

Restlessness and trouble relaxing

Nausea or GI upset


Trouble sleeping

Feeling like something bad is about to happen

Trouble focusing

Racing thoughts

Intrusive thoughts

Muscle tension

Frequent headaches

Irritability and Anger

Panic attacks

Obsessive thoughts & compulsive behaviors

Since we all experience some of the above symptoms from time to time, it’s also important to look at how your difficulties with anxiety may be interfering in your life. We often end up struggling with anxiety in our attempts to lessen or avoid anxious feelings. Over time, in an effort to feel more comfortable or safe, anxiety can cause us to feel constrained and disconnected from what we care about — those “walls” we put up to protect us from the world end up keeping us “trapped” and “stuck.” Whether you are avoiding important conversations with loved ones, putting off studying for that test, or not applying for that promotion at work, anxiety has a way of holding us back.

How Therapy for Anxiety Can Help —

Therapy for anxiety is designed to help you to overcome the overwhelm, and more confidently connect to what matters most in your life.

When you come into therapy, we’ll start by working together to fully understand your anxiety, the situations that have led you to experience anxiety, and how your anxiety has been getting in the way.

From there, we’ll work together develop a plan to create meaningful and lasting change, helping you to break free from anxiety so that you can live a more fulfilling life.

At Connected Counseling & Wellness, therapy for anxiety is collaborative, evidence-based, and integrative, which means…

A Collaborative experience in therapy will involve us working together as team to help you overcome your anxiety. You know your life experience better than anyone, and so we’ll build on the strengths and knowledge you already have. Therapy will be tailored to meet your unique challenges, preferences, values and goals. We’ll also check in with each other regularly, with open and honest communication, to be sure that therapy is headed in the right direction for you. If something isn’t quite working, we’ll address it together, and course correct however we need to.

An evidence-based, integrative approach to therapy means that we will weave together highly effective therapeutic interventions that are grounded in psychological science, and applied in a flexible way that is specifically tailored to you and your situation. One cutting-edge, integrative approach that is highly effective in treating anxiety is known as Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT).

In a nutshell, ACT is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that empowers you to: (1) get out of the struggle with your anxiety, (2) “find your why” for self-empowerment by clarifying your deepest values, and (3) create a workable path forward to build a rich life of flourishing and fulfillment. Often, this approach will include exposure-based therapy. In exposure therapy, we will help you overcome your anxiety by gradually facing the fears that hold you back from living the life you want. This approach is often integrated seamlessly with several other evidence-based therapies for anxiety, which we can discuss further if you are curious to learn more.

Are you ready to get out of your head, and into a life that you love to live?

I know that reaching out for therapy is, in itself, an anxiety-provoking thing to do. That said, if you are reading this right now, you’ve already taken a major step forward in facing your fear. You've got this!

Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and in seeking support, you are already practicing your ability to overcome anxiety with courage. Schedule a free consultation call today, and let's embark on this journey together. You're not alone, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.